Saturday 24 November 2012

Prancing Around


Things have been a little quiet on the blog front these last months, what with writing my thesis and Ed now working his little socks off we haven't had quite as much time to frolic as we might like! Anyway I wanted to share some photographs I took when I was home two weeks ago, it was so lovely to get dressed up and forget all the stresses of having to write a million trillion words! The painting in the backdrop is by my yummy mummy, Penny MacBeth. The wig was from my favourite dressing up shop in my home town, its an ex theatre piece. The dress my mum picked up several years ago at a vintage fair, its 1930s and again looks like it might be an ex theatre piece! Everything else was collected from around the house, the gloves were hiding in a draw and the decanter is from my mum's well stocked cocktail cabinate!

I will have more lovely pictures for you soon, I promise! Lally x

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