ED! the theme is avant gar-de surgery! The place a fabric shop! The time eleven! It is now 8. I have three hours to whip up a stunning surgical dream outfit, do my hair and face, call Lally, pick up wine, find the location and ACTUALLY GET BACK TO LONDON! Okay, Lally... a dream she is already on her way, bottle of wine in hand. We will meet at mine and work on outfits. Once arriving at the station i ran to the near boots and stocked up on all things medical.... judgement from the cashier included. Okay further genius the location is like 20mins from my flat amaze amaze amaze this night was truly turning out to be a meant to be! I met Lally on the tube we run to the flat and prepare. To my horror Latex gloves would not sew on the machine! drama! THANK THE LORD FOR STAPLES! after almost ending up like a member of the village people we sorted the outfit. Lally was more of challenge.... edging on circus more than surgery we had to make a drastic decision. CLING FILM ofcourse. A few twist and turns later and we fashioned quite a stylish number! All in all we turned out rather well! A bottle of wine later we met with the others and headed out.
Along a regular kebab shop clad highstreet we found Vogue Fabrics the doorway a white glowing sheet. Is this it? is this right. A doctor poked his head round the corner. Are you here for Nancy? No we are dressed like this for jokes! Led in through the shop we are greeted by Matron. Are we on the list, sure of course (we are always on the list). Led down the stairwell, i couldn't help but look back in worry that the last glimpse of normality was slipping away and i was about to enter a medical students wet dream.
A small basement affair, walls black lined with blood clot balloons, hemorrhaging with shiny red decor. No bar but a pharmaceutical counter, a gynecology department, an operating theatre. Each section was reinvented appropriately. Sexy nurses, Surgical disaster's, carry-on doctor's awaited our arrival. Photographer's and arty types aplenty this truly was more of a backdrop than a club. But hey that is exactly what we were doing there!
Besides the music was questionable. Yes it had its highlights of pure genius dance, however the time warp felt a little tacky obvious. An order from the 'bar' later and we were well into the evening. Sheer underground to cool for school glamour indulged and our outfits went down a storm! Being so close to the venue also saved much embarrassment on the way there and the way home. We may have spent at least an hour removing the makeup, hair gel and the cutting of the cling film, very much to Lally's relief! But hey Vanity not Sanity! we will most definitely attend the next event. I mean how many times in life can you go out half naked, have your picture taken, and be home in five minutes without breaking some sort of law...
Club Kid Fashion Story
Club Kid Lifestyle
Okay so as part of our course research we had to indulge ourselves into a sub culture. Obvious thoughts to look at Punk, Goth, Rockers and Mods flittered through the class room. Fortunately the night before I had watched Party Monster, the film version of the James St. James's novel Disco Bloodbath, more of a biographical account of downtown New York in the 1980's. A world filled with glitter and Fabulous creatures creating their own world where the party never ends. Well! this sounds far more up my alley then risking it in a underground grungy heavy metal bar. So what are the key features of a club kid. Well in itself there are none, the theory of no rules applies. 'if you wake up feeling like a troll you should dress like a troll' it is a sub culture of expressionism and exhibitionism. The outfits differ from bricolage extremes to high end catwalk couture! Anyone can be a club kid as by in large it is purely of an evening. The classic concept of what people do with their weekends is up to them. It's about shocking and creating a scene, the confidence to be the character you are playing and promote the positivity and joy for life that comes with it. Originally in New York the scene was set at the club the Limelight. Obviously for this course i could not venture not only over seas, but also back in time as the Limelight was soon shut down due to drug charges. So where would i find my club kids now in this decade in this city of london!
My first port of call was EGG club, not always known for it's club kid atmosphere, however when the night is Panto themed and hosted by Boy George, well one could assume. And one succeeded. The VIP'S and performers of the evening were all dressed to the nines. Whilst the general public would pay to see the freaks amerced in their culture. However the sheer dominance of the club kids creates a sense where you feel awkward and embarrassed to be dressed 'normally'. Fantastic a group the has actually flipped the perspective on a situation whereby the norm is subculture. Well my first attempt at being a club kid did not favour to well, sure i managed to blag free drinks, VIP access, Guest list etc, but my outfit left me in dark with the photographers, well until it came to the dance floor. Club Kid music is a mix of house electro meets old time cheese. 'As long we can dance hardcore its all good!'
So from being at this event the joy of facebook led me to be invited to another event NANCY. Nancy is a club night run across different locations each time, of course a Club Kid would never be seen the same place twice (let alone the same outfit). I have Blogged about this earlier so just scroll down for more info... i wont bore you now.
Again meeting more people another invite here, there and everywhere, it seems the masses of this party's exisit run by independent groups creating places for club kids to be. Shabba daba da, Haute, Nancy, Circus, and regular nights can be found at Punk and Madame JoJo's. However the genius of club kids is that they really can go anywhere, from brick lane to soho to the local pub. The more standard the place the more they stand out and for them the BETTER! Anyway for now i have surely gone on to long. So just to tide you over here are some pictures from some darling nights enjoy....
Club Kid Music Video
Where does one shop??

Basically head to east london, brick lane, curtain and road and the Hoxton boutiques will have you all sorted for life! Absolutely no worries! A particular favorite of mine is the the shop sick! A treasure chest of one off vintage numbers where subcultures really come alive, multitude of brands including b-boy t-shirts to fake chanel bags the shop really sells the brand and concept of underground london fashion! Also once you are done you can go and celebrate your new purchase round the corner at the effortlessly cool breakfast club, with some eggs royale and a raspberry mojito. Probably served to you by the same guy whose was dressed as a 'chicken meets robo-cop' the night before! FABULOUS!
An Interview with Club Kids
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