Christmas was a haze of food and baileys, delish and now its time to get back to the real world. SO whats been a happening? well admittedly not an awful lot. However life is about to get a whole lot more exciting because I just purchased a Holly Fulton for ASOS shirt
YUM! in love. You might cry at the mention of ASOS but Holly Fulton is great, so it was a must have. Her prints are absolutely beautiful, definitely worth a look if you're scratching round for something to do in these horrible inbetween days before new year.
Oh and also for chrissy I was given the Matthew Williamson book. It is beyond good. The pictures are brilliant and whole book seems to epitomise the brand's aesthetic. My favourite pages are the ones showing clips from his sketchbooks and photos of his travels, they are so packed with interesting things to look at, amazing colour, textures. I am in love !
Images are courtesy of asos (
Monday, 27 December 2010
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Friday, 24 December 2010
You War-Hor!
Okay so surprise visit from Michael who needs to do some last minute christmas shopping, 'ED i need help, i need cheap fabric' okay east london it is! So we search for hours around looking for the perfect fabric, on the way we manage to pick up a few key items ourselves... a vintage donnie darko esque ring and an go with everything acorn necklace. At this point of finding presents for ourselves we begin to head home. On the way i insist we visit the shop 'SICK' just of brick lane.
Upon arrival Michael is instantly drawn in by the Chanel jumpers and rare vintage attire. Downstairs we discover a Marylin monroe Andy Warhol screen, covered in dust against the wall, not really for sale... well we had to ask. £80, we think fab for screen and as it is so cool anyway why not, Michael makes a phone call, i ask to see it in detail. As i look at the back of the screen i notice that the ink has bled from the print screen technique. I ask for a discount. A DISCOUNT the woman cried, it would cost more than £80 to restore it. I say why would i restore it, she says, Do you not understand Andy Warhol use to work here, this is an original! I SAY DONE! Michael returns we decide to split it 50/50, this bitch was not happy about is walking away with the one off Warhol, but the manager liked us so we got it, in fact he liked us so much we walked away with a free bottle of wine to toast over our new purchase! FABULOUS!
Michael and I will share the screen accordingly forever enjoying the fact we may or may not own a original Warhol, not bad for a last minute christmas shop...
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Where do you go out?
Okay it starts of as any normal day, a trip to see the family for a christmas dinner get together. Lovely time, lovely and nice and perfect normal.
On the coach ride back i get the call that changes this day dramatically. ED! the theme is avant gar-de surgery! The place a fabric shop! The time eleven! It is now 8. I have three hours to whip up a stunning surgical dream outfit, do my hair and face, call Lally, pick up wine, find the location and ACTUALLY GET BACK TO LONDON! Okay, Lally... a dream she is already on her way, bottle of wine in hand. We will meet at mine and work on outfits. Once arriving at the station i ran to the near boots and stocked up on all things medical.... judgement from the cashier included. Okay further genius the location is like 20mins from my flat amaze amaze amaze this night was truly turning out to be a meant to be! I met Lally on the tube we run to the flat and prepare. To my horror Latex gloves would not sew on the machine! drama! THANK THE LORD FOR STAPLES! after almost ending up like a member of the village people we sorted the outfit. Lally was more of challenge.... edging on circus more than surgery we had to make a drastic decision. CLING FILM ofcourse. A few twist and turns later and we fashioned quite a stylish number! All in all we turned out rather well! A bottle of wine later we met with the others and headed out.
Along a regular kebab shop clad highstreet we found Vogue Fabrics the doorway a white glowing sheet. Is this it? is this right. A doctor poked his head round the corner. Are you here for Nancy? No we are dressed like this for jokes! Led in through the shop we are greeted by Matron. Are we on the list, sure of course (we are always on the list). Led down the stairwell, i couldn't help but look back in worry that the last glimpse of normality was slipping away and i was about to enter a medical students wet dream.
A small basement affair, walls black lined with blood clot balloons, hemorrhaging with shiny red decor. No bar but a pharmaceutical counter, a gynecology department, an operating theatre. Each section was reinvented appropriately. Sexy nurses, Surgical disaster's, carry-on doctor's awaited our arrival. Photographer's and arty types aplenty this truly was more of a backdrop than a club. But hey that is exactly what we were doing there!
Besides the music was questionable. Yes it had its highlights of pure genius dance, however the time warp felt a little tacky obvious. An order from the 'bar' later and we were well into the evening. Sheer underground to cool for school glamour indulged and our outfits went down a storm! Being so close to the venue also saved much embarrassment on the way there and the way home. We may have spent at least an hour removing the makeup, hair gel and the cutting of the cling film, very much to Lally's relief! But hey Vanity not Sanity! we will most definitely attend the next event. I mean how many times in life can you go out half naked, have your picture taken, and be home in five minutes without breaking some sort of law...
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
A Little trip to the South West
I know lots of posting today , I just thought I'd give you something to read on this horribly cold morning! How kind of me !
So on Thursday I venture home to deepest , darkest Cornwall to get my family fix for the festive season. My mum was also having her very first gallery opening so I thought it would be nice to have a look. She will have a website as of February, so I will post more deets at a later date.

So on Thursday I venture home to deepest , darkest Cornwall to get my family fix for the festive season. My mum was also having her very first gallery opening so I thought it would be nice to have a look. She will have a website as of February, so I will post more deets at a later date.
Dinner Date
SO Ed and I met last week (its late soorrry I've been away oK?!) We went to see future fashion; 30 years of Japanese fashion at the Barbican. It was brilliant, everything the clothes , the space. Whilst there we couldn't help over hearing a conversation between two ladies.
Lady one: OMG
Lady two: what?
Lady one: Thats MY top! I was told there were only two in world. I had one and Madonna has the other. I think I might wear it for Christmas actually..
HHHHHHHHAAAHAHAH! Literally Ed I laughed hard and long about this. WTF? She was quite old this lady and the top was by Commes and was very bondageee. It was a brillaint moment.
So after that little excursion we went to giraffe in Spitalfields to a wait Michelle's arrival. Had lots of cocktails and a bit of wine and it was generally very pleasent.BB PIN ME BABEZZ?
hahh so Michelle arrived after quite some time and we relocated to that popular coffee chain cafe nero for a caffeine overload. Michelle bought gifts of Polish chocolate, delishh. We then ventured out in to the cold and off in our seperate directions. Merry Christmas mon amis .
Monday, 13 December 2010
Modern Art makes you smart
We met outside the Saatchi at 2pm, for a day of culture.
Ed joined us for a short period of time but had to leave due to 'work commitments'. It was a lovely day and culminated in a trip to Brompton Road, where I purchased a camel coat from H&M.
p.s I'd like to say my outfit inspiration was rich New York art dealer, yum!
Exstacy Almond Blossom (2?!) by Mustafa Hulusi.
The followers by Ximena Garrido-Lecca.
Michael and I spent so long staring at this, lots of tiny shrines. I want it in my home.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Bad Times
yes aware of our total failings at the blog we are both making ditch attempts to impress with purchases. However unlike Lally i feel no need to show off with pictures just highly descriptive paragraphs.... YAWN i don't think so...
some fun stripy trousers and throw away T's, hardly warmers but simply necessities to a wardrobe. Also this week i have been truly panic state deadlines, fortunately when in sudden need of a model a fabulous thing (whom some of you may know) kindly fitted the bill perfectly.
To celebrate a job well done we may have indulged in Cocktails and desert but it is an essential part of the learning process.
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